
HUD Self Portrait (ART 343/381: Critical Play)

Artist's Statement: I completed a Heads-Up Display Self Portrait last April, so I wanted to make this one different in both its artistic style and focus. One of my favorite things to talk about is my 2-year-old bunny, Clyde, so I decided he'd be the perfect fit for this project.

I initially didn't want a pet, but former roommates convinced me to let them get him. I couldn't resist as the little bun fit perfectly in my cupped hand. I ended up becoming the primary caregiver for Clyde, and fell in love with him even more. So, when the six of us girls decided not to live together anymore, I got custody. Although he's cute and cuddly, he can be quite a handful.

Since so many aspects go into his care, it makes the perfect game (Do GigaPets ring a bell?) Taking care of him includes monitoring a specific diet of Timothy Hay, green veggies and the occasional treat. He generally cleans himself, but cleaning his cage every couple days can be a chore. Clyde is litter trained, so he gets free reign of the house during the nighttime hours, but he's constantly getting into trouble, whether it's diving head first into his bag of hay or chewing up something valuable (usually power cords). But despite his shortcomings, he's always willing to dish out plenty of free cuddles and kisses at the end of the day.

Compared to my first HUD, I decided to make the frame less cluttered and use a different perspective. I added some filters to the main image to make it look more digital as well.

Here's the one I made in April: