
Lecture Review: China Town (ART 245: Intro to Digital Media)

After gaining an interest in Lucy Raven’s work through her exhibition, I decided to attend her lecture on the same subject — China Town. Although I enjoyed and appreciated the film, Raven’s lecture was not adequate to match.

Raven focused too much of her talk on the content of her film project, and hardly mentioned how she put the work together. From an artist standpoint, her lecture sounded more like she was explaining a trip she went on for a research project. While her trips back and forth to various mines and overseas to witness copper production were interesting, her talk was too focused on the same topic making it dry at some parts.

It would have been helpful for Raven to talk more about the art aspect of her project. She could have talked about why the stop-motion technique she used fit her vision for her film, challenges she ran into while in the editing process and about the aesthetic of the technique. She should have shown clips from her film, so the audience could understand the final product. If I had not previously seen the movie, I would have not been able to fully grasp what Raven was referencing.

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