
Lecture Review: The 1,000 Journals Project (ART 245: Intro to Digital Media)

When Brian Singer founded The 1,000 Journals Project, he created an experimental collaborative art project at its finest. In his January lecture at the Nevada Museum of Art, Singer showed a new way of thinking about art while presenting his journals project. Instead of creating art that can only be passively received, Singer creates engaging communication through works, including The 1,000 Journals Project. His work is at the forefront of the transformation from traditional passive art to more interactive pieces. The 1,000 Journals Project brought out creativity, personality and culture from people across the globe — something few other projects can accomplish.

Singer’s lecture focused on this transformation, and showed the benefits that can come from it. For example, art becomes a vehicle for discussion and can send a political message, become a forum or document a community’s history in a creative outlet.

Because Singer incorporated various forms of media to show his work, focused on a modern topic and explained how art can affect a community or culture, his lecture was superb. His expertise both as an artist and public speaker showed immensely in his presentation because he was able to easily engage the audience. He had many people saying “Wow” throughout his lecture and showing at the Nevada Museum of Art. I am sure he left a lasting impression that will lead people to continue thinking about the transformation of collaborate art.

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